Masters Prim Quartz
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Masters Prim Quartz

Grund cu particule de cuarț pentru a asigura o legătură puternică înainte de a aplica o suprapunere autonivelantă sau o suprapunere de ștampilă .

Ambalare: Cutie de 4l (5,75kg) sau 15l (21kg)
Acoperire: 1 litru pentru 3 mp

  • 4L - 12mp
  • 15L - 45mp
40,31 € (inclusiv TVA) 40,31 € (fara TVA)

Masters Prim Quartz is a synthetic resin in aqueous dispersion with quartz particles included. On smooth or closed surfaces, the addition of quartz creates an inseparable link between the support and the new layer. It is recommended when a good adherence is necessary like an application of self-leveling overlay or overlay for stamping.

How to use ?

1. Preparing surfaces

The surface must be clean, dry and free of dust and other substances such as paint, oil, grease, fluorescence, glue, or old sealers. If you have any doubts about the cleanliness of the substrate, it is preferable to perform a light sanding with 120 grit.

2. Application

Masters Prim Quartz contains quartz particles. It's important to mix it before using to stir correctly the product.
Apply the product in only one layer with a brush or a roller. Let it dry during 6 hours before applying your decorative concrete.

Fisa tehnica
Componentă mono - pe bază de apă - adăugată cu cuarț
1 litru pentru 3mp
COV gratuite - Conform Directivei europene 2004/42 / CE
Cuarț și polimeri sintetici pe bază de apă
Timp de uscare
6 ore
Termen de valabilitate
24 luni
4l - 5,75kg sau 15l - 21kg
Fisiere asociate

TDS - Masters Prim Quartz

Grund cu cuarț pentru a crea o aderență

Descarcari (25.62KB)

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