Masters Lack PU Ecodur
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Masters Lack PU Ecodur

Masters Varnish PU Ecodur ist ein zweikomponentiges, vergilbungsfreies transparentes Harz für den Innen- und Außenbereich. Nach dem Auftragen bildet sich ein gleichmäßiger wasser-, öl- und chemikalienabweisender Film.

Erhältlich in mattem, satiniertem oder glänzendem Glanz.

Verpackung: Dosen von 2 oder 4 kg
Abdeckung: 100gr für 1 qm

  • Satin
  • Matt
  • 0,5 kg
  • 1 kg
  • 2 kg
  • 4 kg
35,85 € (inkl. MwSt.) 35,85 € (o. MwSt.)

Masters Varnish Ecodur is a polyurethane bi-component varnish. It is based on an aliphatic resin which forms a waterproof membrane after polymerisation.
It can be use for protect all decorative concrete, especially micro-concrete, self-leveling overlays or all kind of concrete.

How to use ?

1. Preparing surfaces
The surface must be clean, dry and free of dust and other substances such as paint, oil, grease, fluorescence, glue, or old sealers.If you have any doubts about the cleanliness of the substrate, it is preferable to perform a light sanding with 120 grit.

2. Product preparation
Masters Varnish Ecodur is bi-component product. Component A (resin) and B (hardener) are packed in two separate containers. You need to prepare a mix before using.
It's necessary to measure with a scale (weight) one part of the B component for three parts of the A component (Ratio1/5).
The two components should be mixed, with a low speed mixer (300rpm) during 2 minutes.

Warning : Prepare only the necessary quantity for one coat. Once mixed, the product can not be preserve for a future use.

3. Application
Masters Varnish Ecodur is applied with roller or brush in two coats.
Depending on the weather conditions, each layer should be applied at 20 hours interval.
Let it dry during 96 hours before allow traffic.

Technische Daten
Aliphatisches Polyurethanharz auf Wasserbasis
100 g / m²
Freie VOCs - Gemäß der europäischen Richtlinie 2004/42 / CE
Matt, Satin oder Glanz
Mischungsverhältnis A/B: 5/1
Zum Anfassen: 20 Stunden - Zum Schleifen: 96 Stunden
3 Stunden bei 20 ° C.
24 Monate
500 g / 1 kg / 2 kg / 4 kg
Außen und innen

TDS - Masters Varnish Ecodur

Zweikomponenten-Polyurethan-Lack (auf Wasserbasis)

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