Micro-concrete full kit - Stairs - 10 sqm
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Micro-concrete full kit - Stairs - 10 sqm

Product included :

  • Masters Prim Plus (1L)
  • Micro-concrete (20kg of powder + 6L of binder)
  • Masters Varnish PRO PU (2kg, bi-component)
  • 5 m²
  • 10 m²
  • Satin
  • Matt
111,91 € (inclusiv TVA) 111,91 € (fara TVA)

STAIRS - Full kit (all included)

Masters Micro-concrete (also called Masters Beton Cire) is an ideal product for renovation and resurfacing. It doesn't require to remove old coatings, even on tiles on account of it excellent grip on all new and old supports. It is applied in two layers with only 2mm thickness.
Our micro-concrete is available in 35 colours and allows multiple effects according to application mode.

With micro-concrete, you can create an airy and continuous space without all the inconvenience caused by annoying restoration works.

Mechanical and physical characteristics

Coverage : About 1kg for 1 sqm for one coat
Granulometry : 0,3 à 0,4 mm
Density : 2,1
Compression resistance : 7 to 12 Mpa (after 2 days), 30 to 35 Mpa (after 28 days)
Flexion resistance : 3 to 5 Mpa (after 2 days), 11 to 12 Mpa (after 28 days)
Mechanicals resistances standards NF EN 196.1

color chart microcement microtopping

Fisa tehnica
Ciment Portland și nisipuri de silice + liant pe bază de polimeri acrilici
1 kg per 1mp (pentru un singur strat)
COV gratuite - Conform Directivei europene 2004/42 / CE
Disponibil în 36 de culori. Culoare personalizată la cerere
0,2 până la 0,3 mm
Rezistența la compresiune
7-12 MPa (după 2 zile), 30 până la 35 MPa (după 28 de zile)
Rezistența la flexiune
3 până la 5 MPa (după 2 zile), 11 până la 12 MPa (după 28 de zile)
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